Pink Portal

Category : dance, video
Date : July 15, 2022

In the spring of 2022, prior to the creation of PINK PORTAL, choreographer Cecilia Moisio conducted the research in the forms of laboratories and interviews with women of different ages and backgrounds. During the laboratories, the participants tried different theatrical exercises and talked about their experiences, stories and ideas about their bodies and sexuality.


Together with playwright Eva Maria de Wit, Cecilia interviewed each woman individually in order to get a deeper insight into their experience. These conversations and real stories have become the inspiration and the the basis for the performance: a political statement about how the female body is viewed in 2022.

The film footage of this process has resulted in a documentary about the creation. On the 6th July – the day of the try out – the documentary has was shown for the first time. It will be presented at the premiere at Julidans, as well as with every performance during the tour of PINK PORTAL next season 2022-2023.

Cosmic A*

Category : dance, video
Date : March 31, 2020

Trailer for Cosmic A* by Charlie Prince

Love-ism in Quebec

Category : performance, video
Date : September 10, 2015

love-ism film 05Love-ism: Things That Matter  (film)  + Workshops

September 19th, 20th & 25th Quebec, Canada


Review in Le Devoir

“L’amour tout cru

Du côté des longs métrages, la maestria revient toutefois aux artistes étrangers comme Isabel Rocamora et Mor Shani/Paul Sixta, qui abordent les sujets omniprésents de cette édition : le vieillissement et l’amour. Love-ism, du chorégraphe Mor Shani et du cinéaste Paul Sixta, s’est notamment démarqué aux premiers jours du festival. Le film décline tous les visages de l’amour au quotidien, toujours avec la simplicité poignante des gestes universels, d’une désarmante authenticité. Des ateliers menés avec des non-danseurs locaux viennent ajouter une touche actualisée à chaque présentation dans une nouvelle ville.

Le cri défiant et joyeux d’une enfant se querellant avec son père lance le bal. Gros plans sur les grimaces échangées, les regards intenses et rieurs, câlins camouflés en duels. Infatigable corps à corps pour un amour inconditionnel. Viendront ensuite les figures du couple — hétéro et homo, jeune et vieillissant, heureux et souffrant —, de l’amitié, de la filiation fraternelle ou maternelle, avec les étreintes, les regards et les petites danses du quotidien qui leur sont propres. Tout se déroule sur fond blanc, lumière crue sur les peaux émaciées, sans fard ni mensonges. D’un hyperréalisme poignant.”


Screening Wastelanders

Category : video
Date : August 29, 2014

A few videos from Wastelanders will be screened at Architekturforum Oberosterreich, Austria.

Stadt in Latenz 05-09-2014

Love-ism Workshop

Category : performance, video
Date : January 10, 2014

Workshop Love-ism
Date: Sunday February 2nd
Time: 14:00-17:00
Location: Dansateliers, ’s-Gravendijkwal 58b, Rotterdam
Sign up via

Mor Shani and I invite couples of all ages, for a workshop on Sunday February 2nd. You are asked to sign up together with someone with whom you have a close relationship; your child, a friend, a parent, a love; anyone you share something special with. Of course, you are also welcome to join in the case this person is not available.

During the workshop we offer the participating couples a moment of meeting each other in a different way, experiencing movement and creating together; a creative and curious quality time and a great chance for you as a couple, to make your own human document using movement and film.

Participation in the workshop is free. Accessible for both professionals as non-professionals

Note: By signing up, you give permission for the use of the videofootage shot during the workshop.

Limited amount of places.

Love-ism review

Category : dance, video
Date : December 8, 2013

The Love-ism premiere received 4 stars in Volkskrant

“De dans en de film in Love-ism zijn dichtbij en intiem zonder voyeuristisch te worden; Shani en Sixta zetten een pure en eerlijke blik op de liefde neer.” – Patricia van der Linden
